At the service of knowledge.
Schools, universities, institutes: in the places where the citizens of today and tomorrow are educated, the Group assists Institutions and Public Authorities in caring for educational establishments and seeing that they work properly.
A mission that Rekeep accomplishes by delivering a wide range of technical and operational services and a know-how that has been built up over many years of experience in the sector.
Maintenance and cleaning, plant management and reduction of consumption are some of the activities that call for time and specific competencies: with Rekeep these services can be outsourced so that budgets are rationalized and human resources are made the best use of so that they can devote themselves to the most important value of all.
Knowledge and its dissemination.
Find out more and read the details
Rekeep celebrates the tenth anniversary of Un futuro di valore (“A Valuable Future”), the initiative that rewards the best students in Italy each year
290 scholarships awarded in this edition for a total value of about Euro 170 thousand
Energy upgrading
Energy is a primary asset and nowadays we are increasingly aware of how important it is to limit its consumption to the benefit of the environment and in the interests of economic sustainability. Not everyone knows, however, that in Europe emissions and consumption are largely associated with properties. This is why it is important today to invest in the energy upgrading of buildings.