Energy is a primary asset and nowadays we are increasingly aware of how important it is to limit its consumption to the benefit of the environment and in the interests of economic sustainability. Not everyone knows, however, that in Europe emissions and consumption are largely associated with properties. This is why it is important today to invest in the energy upgrading of buildings.
According to European Commission data, 36% of CO2 emissions and 40% of energy consumption are associated with building, which makes this sector the most energy-intensive and the most emissive (compared with transport and industry) owing to the poor energy performance of both building envelopes and plants. The main cause lies in the characteristics of properties, over 50% of which go back to before the 1970s, especially in Italy Source: ENEA Annual Report on energy efficiency, 2019
Emissions from buildings, moreover, go on increasing, while there has been a progressive reduction in the environmental impact of transport and industry, also thanks to decisive action on the part of countries engaged in energy transition.
For this reason,, one of the steps, and perhaps the principal step towards the accomplishment of a sustainable economy and the decarbonisation of the European system is an improvement in the quality of energy consumption: meaning the enhancement of the energy efficiency of buildings.
Not without reason, therefore, the European objective is a 32.5% increase in energy efficiency by the year 2030. By 2050 the European Union should be close to constructing new zero emission buildings. Italy has even more ambitious targets: its 2018 National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan suggests in fact a 24% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2020 (compared with 2007) and a 43% reduction by 2030, far higher than the European objectives.
We reinvent properties
Rekeep’s commitment to energy upgrading goes back a long way. In distant 2012 the Group promoted a study together with Nomisma and ENEA to quantify not only the environmental impact (-1.66 million tons of CO2 a year), but also the positive effects on the Italian economy (+1.4% of GDP) that could be obtained by carrying out energy efficiency improvement works on about 85 million sq. m of schools and public offices in our country.
Rekeep, energy efficiency partner
Rekeep, with the benefit of its know-how in the energy sphere, has been operating in the sector of the energy upgrading of properties for some time, putting forward solutions to its customers, both public and private, that intervene on the “building and plant system”, obtaining great benefits that in some cases amount to a 50% reduction in emissions and consumption.
Rekeep operates in the sector of the energy upgrading of properties, putting forward solutions whose aim is to cut down emissions and consumption by up to 50%
Acting on the “building and plant system” means conducting an integrated operation in 3 main fields:
- helping to cut down consumption by installing cutting edge energy production systems;
- fostering the use of alternative sources of energy by converting plants or constructing new plants;
- carrying out all the work necessary to make the building less “energy intensive”, from the replacement of windows and fixtures to insulation and the application of an external insulation coating system.
In recent years this approach has led to the execution of projects that have become operational and methodological landmarks at national level, giving the Rekeep Group not only a place among the leaders in the sector but also a position as the promoter of an increasingly well-thought out process of cooperation with public customers based on Public and Private Partnership contracts, whereby investments in raising efficiency are made without tying up resources, entirely to the benefit of the community.
Healthcare meets the energy upgrading challenge
There is ample room for upgrading works in the healthcare sphere in particular: medium-sized Health Trusts especially often have extremely energy intensive property assets constructed on the basis of architectural and structural criteria in which, at the time, consideration was not given to keeping consumption under control or to environmental sustainability.
Rekeep has realised and is realising big projects for hospitals and nursing homes that are literally “text book studies” at national level.
The project that stands out most was carried out for the Policlinico Sant’Orsola – Malpighi Hospital in Bologna. In 2009 this university hospital in Bologna approved a feasibility study for the construction of a new trigeneration plant that would combine the production of electricity, thermal and cooling energy with the simultaneous reconstruction of the plant infrastructure systems using technologically advanced techniques. The tender was awarded according to the project finance formula to a Temporary Joint Venture composed of Rekeep (Parent Company), Siram and Iter Soc. Coop. After the project was completed, energy consumption fell by 27% and emissions into the atmosphere by 31%.
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Another feather in Rekeep’s cap, showing its commitment to the healthcare sector, is its project for the green conversion of the Madonna del Soccorso Hospital at San Benedetto del Tronto (AP). When it has been completed, the hospital will go up from its present Class G to Class A1, with a reduction of about 50% in its emissions corresponding to about 495 tons of CO2 less into the atmosphere every year. This result was achieved by operating both on the external structures, such as external wall, ventilated façade and roof insulation, and on the complete reconstruction of the power plant, and, among other things, on the installation of solar panels to produce sanitary hot water and a 15kWp PV electricity production plant.

Efficiency that lights up towns
Equally important are the experiences of Rekeep with municipalities and local authorities.
By awarding Rekeep, in a temporary joint venture with Engie and Sargie, a contract for the management and maintenance of the public lighting system and the energy plants in public buildings for 15 years, the municipality of Casalecchio di Reno (BO), not only cut energy consumption by 24.24%, saving about Euro 4.75 million a year and cutting down emissions into the atmosphere by an amount corresponding to 516,540 kg of CO2 a year, but also clinched itself Euro 3.5 million worth of energy upgrading works totally at the expense of the company, which will manage the lighting and the energy plants for the next 15 years.

At Valsamoggia (BO) Rekeep is carrying out a programme of energy upgrading and efficiency improvement works in the Municipality’s buildings with a total value of Euro 3.5 million, which will reduce emissions into the atmosphere by 997 tons of CO2 a year. By means of the public and private partnership formula, all the investments in the works in the properties are borne in full by Rekeep, which will operate the plants for the next 15 years and will recoup the amount invested as a result of the greater efficiency obtained after the execution of these works.
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The effectiveness of well thought out cooperation with Public Authorities
The projects at Casalecchio di Reno and Valsamoggia were both carried out on the basis of the public and private partnership, formula, a win-win contractual cooperation solution aiming at a real co-obligation to obtain a result. Extremely briefly:
- the private partner takes on the management of the service under concession (for example operating the heating and cooling plants), carrying out efficiency improvement works related to the performance of the service.
- The Public Authority pays the private partner a fee lower than the amount the Public Entity paid for the service under concession in the past.
A reciprocal advantage thus comes into being for both parties involved: the Public Authority ensures itself the integrated management of its assets and the necessary upgrading and efficiency improvement works at no extra expense, while the private partner recoups its investment as a result of the higher level of efficiency of the system as a result after the works have been executed.
Rekeep S.p.a.
Sole-shareholder company
via Poli, 4 - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) - ph. +39 051.3515111
VAT no./Tax code and Bologna Business Registry no. 02402671206
Share Capital Euro 109.149.600,00 fully paid in
Company subject to management and coordination by MSC Società di Partecipazione tra Lavoratori S.p.A.