

Rekeep belongs to and takes an active part in national networks that foster the spread and growth of sustainability and CSR.

Impronta Etica


Impronta Etica is a non-profit association for the promotion and spread of Corporate Social Responsibility, formed in 2001 on the initiative of some Emilia Romagna enterprises that were already engaged on this front and were aware of the business world’s interest in sustainable development and CSR. The association’s aim is to encourage sustainable development, creating a network among businesses and organizations that look upon social commitment as an essential part of their mission and follow Social Responsibility practices. Rekeep is on Impronta Etica’s Management committee and attends round tables and working groups.

Sustainability Makers - the professional network

Sustainability Makers – the professional network

Sustainability Makers – the professional network is the Italian network comprising over 200 men and women among sustainability professionals - representing more than 150 organizations - with the mission of qualifying and promoting an increasingly strategic role, enhancing its competence and authority - through training, research and networking - so that it can be become more and more the key player in the processes of change.