Our history
The history of the Group started in 1938, when 16 workers believed in an idea based on commitment and cooperation, growth and respect.
Today, 80 years afterwards, Manutencoop has become Rekeep, the Italian Facility Management leader and among the main players in the sector at European level. A lot has changed since then: the name, the numbers, objectives, prospects. But that idea, now as then, is still the same.
Sixteen workers joined together to organize their work in the framework of Italian State Railways tenders. The Cooperativa per le manovalanze ferroviarie (Railway Laborers’ Cooperative) was born, the first name of the enterprise that was eventually to become Rekeep.
The 1960s
The 1960s
After years of continuing growth by the Cooperative, the State Railways reduced the amount of outsourced activities. The Company saw off the difficulties of putting to fruit the capital of professionalism it had acquired and of diversifying its range. When it started winning orders throughout Italy, the company changed its look and its name: Manutencoop came into being.
The 1980s
The 1980s
A thoroughgoing structural change came over the company: a new organization, rationalization of services delivered, repositioning on the market, creation of operating divisions and the introduction of management control systems. The customer portfolio expanded and the number of employees rose.
The 1990s
The 1990s
A stronger financial position ran parallel to a more complex corporate structure as a result of various acquisitions and business unit spin-offs. In 1996 Manutencoop further diversified its activities by entering the green area management market with the incorporation of the Agricoover cooperative and also took on the task of rescuing various cooperatives in difficulty that operated in the same market segment. And growth continued: Manutencoop became one of the leading Italian companies in the specialist and integrated services sector with over 1,000 workers.
The 2000s
The 2000s
Acquisitions were the word in the first years of the millennium: Segesta and Bsm were joined by MCB and BarSA then Roma Multiservizi: Manutencoop became the industrial partner of Rome City Council. In 2000 it took over all the operations of Fleur, which was about to be put into liquidation: under the name Servizi Ospedalieri, the same company is now among the main players in the market for specialist services in support of healthcare.
2003 was the turning point year: the Manutencoop Facility Management Group was the result of the Manutencoop Società Cooperativa business unit being contributed to MFM. Private Equity funds entered MFM’s corporate structure.
MFM and Pirelli RE FM S.p.A. signed a joint venture to found MP Facility. 100% of the Reggio Emilia firm Teckal was acquired.
The year 2005 was marked by other changes including the contribution of the Cooperative’s cleaning and green area management business units to Manutencoop Facility Management together with their Headquarters services and a stake in Roma Multiservizi S.p.A..
In the same year Manutencoop Servizi Ambientali S.p.A. was born of the spin-off of the Cooperative’s Ecology Division.
A majority interest in Sicura (now wholly owned) was acquired in 2008 and the Group made its entry into the firefighting and security sector.
2009 - 2014
2009 - 2014
2009 and 2010 were years of repositioning and consolidation with sales, mergers and reshaping the corporate structure.
During the four years from 2011 to 2014, despite the economic crisis in Italy, the Group’s turnover did not fall and its portfolio remained stable, laying the foundations for a new period of growth.
In 2013 MFM issued its first Bond.
2015 - 2016
2015 - 2016
In 2015 and 2016 the Group’s broadening world view found its perfect expression with the establishment of Manutencoop International and the creation of E-Digital Services, the division that provides high tech services.
2016 was also the year of the Yougenio start-up, which delivers facility management services for the B2C sector. With Yougenio and its services, which can only be purchased online, Manutencoop “entered” Italian family homes.
In 2017 the Group carried out a complex corporate reorganization with the exit of the minority shareholders from MFM’s corporate structure. Manutencoop Società Cooperativa again held 100% of the Company. A new Board of Directors was appointed and a sweeping reorganization was put in hand that made room for a large number of new managers who had grown inside the company.
Attention to emerging markets, with increasingly striking innovation in terms of services and processes conceived for a changing world, called for another turning point. On its eightieth birthday, Manutencoop Facility Management changed its name and became Rekeep. A new name and a new identity to seal the path it had travelled and the path still to travel. Another page was turned over.