The international SA8000 certification standard is a management model whose aim is to respect and safeguard all the personnel who fall within the sphere of control or are under the influence of those who adopt it.
This standard:
- improves conditions of work;
- fosters the ethical and equal treatment of personnel;
- includes international human rights conventions.
Rekeep undergoes two audits a year by SAI, the accredited certification body, which verifies the Group’s compliance with the standard’s social accountability requirements and the documents that provide evidence of compliance, namely the management system. At the end of the three years of validity of the certification, the entire system is audited with a view to the issue of a renewed certificate. An audit for the re-certification of the whole system was carried out in January 2021.
The primary feature of the standard is the bottom-up communication channel, through which employees can report behaviour that is not consistent with its social accountability requirements. Reports may be either anonymous or signed. All reports are recorded in a register which, in the interests of transparency, is also published on the Group’s intranet portal.
Go to the certifications page to download Rekeep’s SA8000 documentation
Rekeep S.p.a.
Sole-shareholder company
via Poli, 4 - 40069 Zola Predosa (BO) - ph. +39 051.3515111
VAT no./Tax code and Bologna Business Registry no. 02402671206
Share Capital Euro 109.149.600,00 fully paid in
Company subject to management and coordination by MSC Società di Partecipazione tra Lavoratori S.p.A.